Let Curiosity Drive You Out of Fear, Stagnation, and Hopelessness.

Curiosity has the power to be the antidote to the fear and resistance we might have towards change.


Questions to help you get curious:

  • What brings me joy?

  • When was the last time I had FUN? How can I infuse more of that in my life?

  • What have I always wanted to learn (sport, instrument, language, skill, etc.)? What’s holding me back now?

  • How can I change my routine today? What is one thing I could do completely different? Repeat this for 1 week.

  • Who is someone completely different than me I can connect with?

  • How would I normally react to this problem? What can I do differently in this moment?

  • One thing I have always wanted to try? (food, activity, etc.)

  • What am I most curious about myself? How have I lost connection with exploring within?

  • Do I have any subconscious fears about shifting my current identity?

  • How attached am I to the person I present to the world? How true is this to the person I feel inside?

  • What can I explore in my neighborhood, local park, nature?

  • How can I apply beginners mind today? How can I see my day with new eyes?